What We Need to Learn: Lessons from 20 Years of Afghanistan Reconstruction
“RGI Follow The Money Grant Proposal,” Video Game based Anti-corruption training solution (2015)
News article on the new GWU Law School course on money laundering (2011)
“International Money-Laundering, Corruption and Terrorism,” syllabus for 3 credit course offered at George Washington University Law School, Spring Semester 2023
Skyless Game Studios, site for philanthropic video games and game based training.
Khan Academy, online training example: “Transfer pricing and tax havens.”
Games for Change, site for convening stakeholders developing social impact games for humanitarian and social training/reform.”
SMITH: Rebuild the right way, don’t let corruption hijack aid, an op-ed on the reconstruction of Haiti published in the Washington Times on March 26, 2010.
Discussion with Jack Smith on corruption and asset recovery, August 18, 2009
Disrupting Terrorist Financing with Civil Litigation, Jack D. Smith and Gregory Cooper, Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, Vol. 41, No. 1(2009).
“Anti-Corruption Foes Intensify Focus on Bank Compliance, Jack D. Smith, ACAMSTODAY, at p. 32 (March 2008)”
“The Recovery of Stolen Assets: A Fundamental Principle of the UN Convention against Corruption, Jack D. Smith, U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center (February 2007)” (PDF)
International Centre for Asset Recovery (Basel Institute on Governance)
StAR Corruption Cases Search Center